December 14, 2010

It’s all in the timing

After a marathon six days the new state of the art timing system for Hidden Valley Drag Strip is now installed. HVDRA’s Jay Jukes and Clive Mainland spent most of the week shadowing Compulink’s Bob Brockmeyer and Greg Barrett as they installed the new system. “I have a new found respect for labourers after spending the last six days out in Darwin’s heat” said HVDRA President Jay Jukes. “I must commend MacMahon on the extra help they provided to ensure the installation went to schedule, particularly Jeff Gardiner who was there every day helping with anything we asked.” The system includes a full suite of new timing sensors, a new starter tree featuring LED globes, wireless dialin boards and timeslip printers, as well as Australia’a largest green LED drag racing timing boards. “We had a great turnout for the first training session on Tuesday night and it was an honour to learn all about the Compulink system from founding director Bob Brockmeyer.”“The new system includes a range of new additions that will enhance racing at Hidden Valley” said Jukes. “We will be spending the off season working through the new system and ways we can streamline the racing experience for spectators and competitors.”Features of the new Compulink timing system include;• 1.5m high green LED display boards to show elapsed time, speed (in both kilometres and miles per hour), dialin and reaction time• Remote mounted LED win lights 150m past the finish line so competitors know instantaneously if they won• New LED wireless dialin boards• New LED Christmas tree• Wireless timeslip printers that will produce new format timeslips with all race information including both km/hr and mph as well as weather data• Compulink Auto-Start – automates the starter sequence and prevents extended startline delays if an opponent does not stage at the startline• Compulink Stagelock – ensures racers do not red light from a momentary roll back at the start line

Drag News Magazine