All competitors are to be advised that there will be an amnesty period until the 1st November 2011, to allow for full compliance to any new rules introduced in the 2011/2012 rulebook.
This amnesty period is to compensate for the late issuing of the 2011/2012 rulebook and to reduce complications that may be experienced by some racers competing at events prior to 01NOV2011.
All ANDRA stewards should make themselves familiar with the new rulebook which will be delivered to registered addresses starting from 05SEP2011.
Exceptions to this amnesty are rules that have been published on the ANDRA website prior to the rulebook release, which should have allowed any affected competitors ample time to comply.
The rule changes as published on the ANDRA website which are not applicable to the amnesty period are available for viewing at the ANDRA website under
Competitor/Technical/Rule Changes
If further clarification is required please contact ANDRA Technical Manager at