Rino D’Alfonso steps back from divisional role
Rino D’Alfonso has resigned from the role of South Australia divisional director, to which he was elected by ANDRA members earlier this year.
Rino D’Alfonso has resigned from the role of South Australia divisional director, to which he was elected by ANDRA members earlier this year.
Benaraby Raceway is getting ready to host more than 100 racers on Saturday 21 July 2012 for round two of the JP Racing Eighth Mile Drag Racing Series.
Benaraby Raceway is getting ready to host more than 100 racers on Saturday 21 July 2012 for round two of the JP Racing Eighth Mile Drag Racing Series.
Fowler Family Racing went back to back as Super Sedan champions in the Rocket Allstars Racing Series this season, earning the coveted gold Christmas tree and putting the cap on another season from one of Australia drag racing’s most well-travelled teams.
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