Drag News Magazine Quick Order Page
Single Issue Subscription Yes, you can pay with credit card! Just click ‘Single Issue’ or ‘Subscribe’ and choose the credit card option. Subscription is for 12 issues. Issue description: Psycho III – the baddest altered of them all. Rob Marjan – street driven R32 GTR smashes sevens. Leanne Braggs – increasing the pace of Modified. Springmount – 400 Thunder marks first championship racing at new North Qld venue. Sydney – 200 racers turn out to Sydney Dragway Track Championship round. Big Money Race – a treat for sportsman racers at Willowbank Raceway. Tech – tyre myth and legend: separating fact from fiction. Magazine description: Drag News Magazine is Australia’s only print drag racing magazine dedicated to covering Australian drag racing with in depth features, technical articles and event coverage plus some of the best photographs from the sport. E-magazine: check it out here.