NEW CAR: LSX, Whipple-charged 10.5 Monaro breaks cover
Outlaw 10.5 has been a little quiet of late but that is soon to change with Paul Aitkenhead’s awesome Holden Monaro being unveiled at ET Chassis and Race Cars in Queensland.
Outlaw 10.5 has been a little quiet of late but that is soon to change with Paul Aitkenhead’s awesome Holden Monaro being unveiled at ET Chassis and Race Cars in Queensland.
After a semi-final finish the at recent ANDRA Australian Nationals, Top Alcohol racer Jason Maggs will be heading to Adelaide International Raceway this weekend looking for continued racing success at the ANDRA Grand Finals.
When the Gulf Western Oil-supported Team Bray Racing hits Adelaide International Raceway this Friday and Saturday (31 March – 1 April), they will do so in pursuit of putting Benny Bray on the podium in the ANDRA Top Doorslammer title fight.
After a decade in the hard fought Australian Pro Stock scene veteran Lee Bektash recently announced he would be taking a break from the sport.
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