The CEO of ANDRA has recommended a new structure which the Board has approved. It will see ANDRA concentrating on its role as a sanctioning authority whilst continuing to manage the Summit Racing Equipment Sportsman Series. The new structure will be headed by a General Manager in a leaner organisation. Current Competition Manager Brett Stevens has been appointed as the acting General Manager to commence in June. Grant Goodall the current CEO has agreed to join the ANDRA Board as an Independent Director, commencing in July. ANDRA chairman Terry Jongen said: “The streamlining of ANDRA will allow it to concentrate on member services. The Board appreciate that Grant has recommended his own position be made redundant in the best interests of the sport and ANDRA. Grant has been an excellent contributor as the CEO of ANDRA and has achieved a great deal given the role was part-time and in a difficult period. “The Board look forward to Grant’s continuing contributions as a Director and a mark that there is confidence in going forward with the sport and ANDRA into the future. ANDRA remains a not for profit member based organisation.”