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After a solid weekend of testing, Brandon Gosbell is ready to “Rocket” to the Top Step for the 400 Thunder Winternationals Final.

“After the struggles we had in April at Super Thunder we really needed to get a new baseline here at Willowbank for the Rocket Industries Mustang, and that’s why Winter Warm-up is perfect for us,” shared Gosbell, after a less than ideal outing earlier in the year.

“Testing really reaped the rewards we were chasing. We’ve been able to make two solid A to B passes this weekend, so we’ve got the tune up sorted and our confidence is back. The car felt really strong and was so good to drive – our plan was to make two early shut off passes to get some data and we delivered exactly that, the best being an early shutoff at 4.95 at only 412km/h. The Rockey/Aeroflow team has done a great job turning the car around and it gives me so much confidence going forward to the Winternationals this coming weekend.”

Although Brandon has quite a bit of seat time – after competing in the Aeroflow Outlaw Nitro Funny Cars – this year will be the first Winternationals he has competed at while driving the Top Fuel Funny Car.

“This is my first time competing in Top Fuel Funny Car at the Winternationals. I first raced here in junior dragsters 20 years ago, and now to think I will be competing in Top Fuel funny car is just surreal,” said Gosbell.

“I used to sit in the stands watching, dreaming of being able to race at this level. In my opinion the Winters is the most prestigious race in Australian drag racing, and I can’t wait to put on a show for the Willowbank crowd. We have the Aeroflow Pit Party on Saturday before qualifying which is always fun for the crowd to get up close to these cars, and have a look at what makes those header flames over the roof.

While the here and now is at front of mind, the TFFC pilot also looks to the future, and the future looks good.

“I’m super excited to see the future with the NDRC, their mantra of ‘one way forward’ is exactly what I think the sport needs. But for now, its all about the Winternationals and 500km/h runs,” said Gosbell.

Qualifying kicks off for sportsman racing on Thursday, with the Funny Cars set for their first hit at the track on Friday afternoon.

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