ANDRA Drag Racing Technical Manager appointed

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Steve Power Adelaide based Steve Power has been appointed to the ANDRA Technical Manager position, taking over responsibilities for some of the most important areas of the sport.

With qualifications in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design, plus experience in the aeronautical area, Steve brings some specialist skills to his role, which commences immediately.

ANDRA CEO Tony Thornton said Steve would be a valuable addition to the team, building on the already strong safety and technical strategies in place.

“Drag racing is very diverse motor sport involving high speed and incredible acceleration in most classes” Thornton said.

“Competition at all levels can be intense with racers stretching rules to the very edge in the quest for an advantage sometimes. The job of maintaining the “level playing field” falls to the Technical Manager.

Thornton closed by recognizing the work done by David Baker in the technical role since 2007.

Steve can be contacted via email

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