ANDRA removable roll cage – technical update

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ANDRA have released the following technical update on roll cage construction:

It has come to ANDRA’s attention that there are a number of vehicles with Removable Roll cages, or Welded Roll Cages with removable sections, which do not meet the ANDRA Removable Roll Cage Specification, initially published in 2013.

Owners of vehicles with Removable Roll Cages or Welded Roll Cages with removable sections should not race their vehicles prior to assuring themselves that the Roll Cage meets the ANDRA Removable Roll Cage Specification which is available at: > Technical > Policies > Removable Rollcage Design Specification

Technical Inspectors should not pass any vehicle with a Roll cage with removable sections that does not meet the above specification.

Further to this, ANDRA has found that clevis type joints used in some removable Roll Cages may show less than satisfactory performance in an impact. Roll Cages which utilise the clevis type joint in components other than the side intrusion bar and where the welded clevis tabs are perpendicular to the potential impact should not be used without engineering analysis being undertaken on them resulting in a written approval for their use from the engineer.

ANDRA are continuing to investigate the performance of the double tab clevis joint with tabs orientated parallel to the potential impact direction. ANDRA are also introducing a homologation process which will test and approve joints for use in Removable Roll Cages and Welded Roll Cages with removable sections. The homologation documentation will identify specific positions and orientations that the homologated joints may be used in.

For further information please contact ANDRA Technical at or (08) 8271 5355.

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