Anyone for crocodile spotting at Mopar Sunday?

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Spectators at this weekend’s Mopar Sunday will have an extra special treat on offer. Recently licensed Nitro Funny car driver Christine Steffens will pilot her croc car down the Willowbank quarter for some test laps.

“This is a great opportunity for me to get some more seat time before I head to Benaraby for some exhibition passes on the 21st/22nd September,” Christine said

“We are hoping to get in one or two passes depending on the situation.”

The Lockyer Engine re-conditioners beast will also have an additional bullet to add to the armory.

“As for a bit of trivia, we just purchased a new Brad Block to give us another spare and the engine number on the block is 2245,” said Christine

“Guess what my race number is? Yep 2245!  Not sure what kind of omen that is?”

Additional information on this meeting can be found at the Moparsunday website.


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