The World’s Quickest Commodore was quick enough to produce smiles all round the Boomeracing crew as Maurice Brennan steered the fan favourite back into the low six second range at the Perth Motorplex last weekend. “We’re finally getting our head around this combination and we’re finding the gold again,” said a relieved Brennan.
“We’re still three tenths off where we want to be, but we picked up some insights on the weekend that have got us excited for the next outing in three weeks time.”
But just as K-Trans/Joondalup Carpet Court/Crown Integrated Commodore is finding its race legs again, so too is the competition.
“I was rapt to see Wayne and Lisa Keys have some success on the weekend after a tough eighteen months, and it was great to see Daniel (Gregorini) go under our national record so the pressure is really on! It’s a big gamble for us, because on one hand, we’ve loved carrying the AA/AP records and would love to keep them too, but we may just have to let them go so we can concentrate on running the car in Doorslammer trim.”
The Boomeracing team will put their theories to the test at the ANDRA Pro Series Top Fuel round at the Perth Motorplex on January 28 and 29, before suiting up for another test session prior to the Westernationals, where the Top Doorslammer circus headlines the 40th Westernationals on March 5 and 6.