The latest issue of Drag News Magazine featuring Pro Stock hero Jason Hedges is now out.

When Jason found himself struggling, a chance encounter with his old friend Danny Selva led to the pair coming up with a plan to showcase Australia’s engine building talent in Pro Stock. This story by Rusty Gregory details the team’s journey to rebuild and reset for a shot at the championship.
Plus, we check out the McClure family’s latest turbo Torana creation, find out what Shane Olive thinks about going Top Fuel, catch up with Warwick Dragway to see how their renos are going, and report on some of the best damn drag racing going in Australia right now!
Please note that we have very limited quantities avauilable for single orders, so get your order in ASAP.
One Year (Eight Issue) Print Subscription – $119 | |
Issue by Issue Print Subscription – $14.95 every six weeks | |
Drag News Magazine Issue #59 – $15.95 |