Dragway At The Bend fired to life on Friday evening with the first public drag racing event for the brand new venue, and it was spectacular.

HogFest 2023, the celebration of 120 years of the Harley-Davidson brand, held a drag racing exhibition as part of the event that christening the highly anticipated South Australian dragstrip.

A number of nitro Harleys made some exhibition passes to go with an armada of other two wheel warriors all eager to try out the all-concrete quarter mile. The track looks amazing during the day time, but at night is when it really comes to life with electronic LED signs and lighting, the track lighting also can produce pulse and flash pattern effects just like the latest stadiums to amp up the atmosphere.

The track has a packed schedule of events for the rest of the year, with the official Grand Opening being the Spring National on Oct 21/22 featuring the opening round of the new National Drag Racing Championship hosting Top Fuel, Top Fuel Motorcycle, Top Doorslammer, Pro Stock Motorcycle and the NDRC sportsman series.

Check out some video and photos from the event.