Rookie drag racer Kasey McClure is looking to make her name in the WA Modified championship at this Saturday’s WA Drag Racing Grand Finals after a stunning first season in her 270kmh dragster.

McClure currently sits second in the points, with just a small 50-point margin to leader Nicholas Wroe. With the WA Drag Racing Grand Finals offering 50% bonus points, the gap could easily be closed.
“Going into the finals in second place is an honour considering the quality of the racers in the class, and I am already beyond happy with what we have achieved this year,” she said.
McClure may be a rookie, but she is hardly lacking for experience. Her family is one of the most well known in Western Australian drag racing, with her grandfather, uncles, parents and siblings all having raced at one time or another.
While the family name carries some reputation, McClure said there was no pressure.
“I started off the season with no real expectations, other than to learn how to drive the car and have fun while doing it,” she said.
“It has been really enjoyable coming to terms with the car so quickly and I am quite happy with my driving. We have still got a bit of learning to do with how to dial the car in, which will come with time.”
Before racing her Modified dragster, which accelerates to 100kmh in just over a second, McClure drove briefly in Junior Dragsters. There was still little to prepare her for the acceleration shock.
“The idea of the first few passes in the dragster was quite nerve-racking. The first launch was hard and definitely put me back in my seat, but it was quite exciting. By the end of the day I had done a full track pass, pulled the parachutes and enjoyed every moment of it.”
The plan for Kasey’s first season was to share driving with her mother Natalie. But when Kasey achieved two runner-ups in her first two events, the family decided to give Kasey a chance at the title.
“After this weekend, Mum will be licensing the dragster at the first available opportunity and then a decision will be made as to who’s driving the car next season,” Kasey said.
“Mum has expressed how she has enjoyed watching me race but also doesn’t go without letting me know she also wants her turn!
“For my future in drag racing, I’d love to just continue building my skills in Modified and then see what evolves from that. For the Grand Final, all I am really hoping for is to get some good consistent passes in and have a good time.”
The WA Drag Racing Grand Finals take place this Saturday, April 10. Qualifying begins from 11am with the feature show from 5.30pm.
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