Matheson’s lake trip gives inspirational boost

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Chris Matheson took out the opening round of the ANDRA Top Fuel Motorcycle Championship at Perth Motorplex on Saturday night and drew inspiration from a unique source.

On route from Brisbane to Perth to compete in the Home Group WA Nitro Slam, Matheson and crew chief Graeme Turner visited the scene of Donald Campbell’s world water speed record at nearby Dumbleyung, which recently saw its 50th anniversary.

Campbell was the first person to set land and water speed records in the same year.

“Visiting Campbell’s monument overlooking the lake was very moving,” Matheson said. “It’s incredible to see what was achieved all those years ago, with sheer brute horsepower and unstoppable determination – what heroes those guys were.

“I recall as a very young boy, my father giving me a model Bluebird to play with, when Donald Campbell set the land speed record at Lake Eyre, South Australia, reaching 648.72 kph (July 1964) in the Bluebird CN7. I still have the model all these years later.

“The visit to the lake was a great day and one I will not for forget, it bought back fond memories as a child and inspiration to race the following weekend.”

The Nitro Slam saw a huge field of 13 nitro bikes, all vying for the eight bike field.

Matheson said it was a competitive field of bikes.

“We knew we were the underdogs and one media journalist described us as “unlikely winners”,” he said. “Despite that, we qualified number two and crept up on top qualifier and current champion Mark Drew as we approached the final round.

“We had a good run through the eliminations, despite the cross winds at approximately three quarter track.

“We ran relatively soft all weekend, then put a little more in for the final to try to get the job done.”

The bikes virtually ran side by side, until Matheson got out of shape, shutting down before the finish line, only to see Drew cross the centre line and being disqualified.

“It was a great result,” Matheson said. “My Team Graeme Turner and Clint Ackland really made the turn arounds and the whole meeting enjoyable. We had plenty of time to talk to the fans and enjoyed the entire atmosphere.

Focus now turns to a double round at Perth Motorplex in six weeks and I’m looking forward to racing the WA guys on their own turf again.

“Thank you once again to our sponsors and upporters: WebCam, GT Radiators & Machining, Rocket Industries, CRC Industries, PDS Graphics, Kitten Car Care Products, BlackAdda, Hi-Side Leathers, Boninfante Friction Inc. Special thanks to Doug Vancil, Steve and Larry McBride.”


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