Notice of special general meeting

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A Special General Meeting of Full Members of the Australian National Drag Racing Inc has been scheduled for Saturday March 26th, 2011, at 10 am.

The details are;
VENUE             Hindmarsh Stadium
Holden Street Hindmarsh, South Australia 5007
TIME                10 am
DATE               Saturday, March 26th, 2011
One item of business will be discussed, as follows;
That the Australian National Drag Racing Association Inc request the South Australian Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) to transfer its undertaking to a Company limited by guarantee, to be known as “Australian National Drag Racing Association Limited” which has as its initial constitution the Constitution to be in the form made available for members consideration prior to this meeting and to be tabled at the meeting by the Chairman and signed by the Chairman for identification.
Full Members of ANDRA who are unable to attend the Special General Meeting may provide a Proxy Vote using the yellow form and the return envelope enclosed with the Member Pack.
A copy of the draft Company Constitution may be sourced at, under the Divisional menu.
Inquiries should be directed to

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