A new entry was included in the 2011 ANDRA Rule Book regarding pre event (ANDRA Pro Series rounds) testing by Group One teams. This was an incorrect clause and the following change, effective immediately, has been made to ACR 5.27 on Page 174 of the ANDRA Rule Book. 5.27 Testing
“Contestants and/or vehicles in ANDRA Pro Series categories are prohibited from testing at the site of an ANDRA Pro Series round later than 36 hours prior to the first qualifying session of the relevant event. Certain promotional activities, such as a burnout with or without passenger at a media or sponsor function, are not considered testing and therefore may be permissible with Meeting Director approval. A launch from the starting line is considered testing and therefore shall not be permitted. Refer ACR 5.17.”
This means that in Top Fuel, Top Alcohol, Top Doorslammer, Top Bike, Pro Stock and Pro Stock Motorcycle, where the first qualifying session for the category is scheduled for 6.00 pm on a Friday evening, no testing may occur after 6 am on the previous Thursday.