The Springmount Drag Racing Association has full approval from council for the construction of a full 1/4 mile drag strip on the Atherton Tablelands. The association have the land available and a signed lease, the club members have worked tirelessly to get this all off the ground so there will be a purpose built facility in Far North Queensland on the Atherton Tablelands.
Now the association is on a membership drive to gather support so the facility can become a reality.
“This year stands to be the best and most exciting year to be involved!,I have recently been engaged in negotiations and communications that have evolved into the best chance the club will ever have to actually get this track off the ground, built to completion and operating in the very near future,” said SDRA President Bruno Fegatilli in his report
“As most of you are aware,the devastating natural disasters recently suffered by Queensland has set back the hopes of the club obtaining any Government funding to help build the facility to at least 2 to 3 years, maybe beyond considering the economic climate and uncertainty
with our Government.
“The club has an Angel Investor that has just come forward making a very generous offer of $1,000,000.00 in the form of capital invested towards construction of the facility. Time is of the essence as the Club must match the $1,000,000.00 investment and we only have 8 months to do so but this incredible opportunity puts us halfway to the realization of the Club’s dreams becoming a reality in less than half the projected time.
“At this time the club needs everyone to pull together and get as many donations, sponsorships, memberships, any and all funding gathered together to propel this venture forward to make an ANDRA sanctioned drag strip, multi-purpose motorsport complex a functioning reality.
“All funds and contributions will be securely placed into a Special Building Fund Account. Contributions will be tax deductible and refundable in the event the Club is not able to raise the necessary $1,000,000.00 matching funds contribution in the 8 months allotted.
“This funding will see the asphalt laid, the sound barriers put into place and everything bar the lights to meet the necessary requirements for the Club to hold an actual event. This is an extremely exciting time and we encourage everyone to do the best they can to be a part of this ground breaking opportunity to be included in the foundation of a premier motorsport complex in Far North Queensland.
“We implore everyone to put their heads together and come up with some fundraising events and ideas to help the Club reach this financial goal as soon as possible. We are currently in the process of organizing a Committee meeting to take place within the next 2 weeks and will update everyone with information resulting from same.
To anyone anyone who wants to help the cause, submit any suggestions to or post suggestions, donations and memberships to PO Box 564; Atherton Q 4883. or visit on the web