In light of recent announcements within the Australian drag racing industry, ANDRA would like to advise that it currently has no intention to impose performance limits on Top Doorslammer and similar type vehicles.
As a result of the increase in more serious incidents, ANDRA is currently conducting a preliminary review on vehicle Aero Dynamics on a range of classes with input from a qualified Aero Dynamics expert.
In the short term we are looking to increase the maximum allowable wing size and spill plate areas across most classes, to permit racers to increase these if they desire.
In the medium to longer term we will look to mandate minimum requirements for all vehicles based upon performance.
ANDRA will continue to monitor the safety and performance of these vehicles.
If such a time arises that it is determined that changes to any safety requirements, vehicle specifications or aerodynamic requirements are required, ANDRA will work in cooperation with the appropriate racer groups as we have been with Matt Abel, President of the Top Doorslammer Association, and other industry authorities to develop and implement any changes deemed necessary.
ANDRA members with questions relating to this matter should email info@andra.com.au