If there was a glass half-full perspective of the current COVID-19 pandemic, it is that Sydney Dragway has been able to complete their major government-funded renovations with a lot less interruption, and the venue is almost ready to open once again.

Although it took longer than planned, it was more important to ensure the laying and profiling of the all-concrete racing surface was perfect, with the claim it will now be certified as the flattest drag strip in Australia, if not the world.
With track works completed by the construction company, the track was given back to Sydney Dragway and the mammoth task of prepping Australia’s only full-concrete quarter mile from scratch could begin.
See final update below from Sydney Dragway’s Facebook page:
Unfortunately a few very wet weeks have further delayed the anticipated re-launch of drag racing at Sydney, but it looks like now there will be enough fine weather to rubber up the track for Race 4 Real on November 4, and the first competition event will be the resumption of the Atura NSW Championship Series on November 14.

Sydney Dragway now has a full concrete dragstrip which extends 100m into the braking area. When the concrete ends, the braking area has been asphalted with the latest techniques and materials. Aside from the track surface, many more upgrades have been completed at the venue, with many more still to come over the next year.

The grass terraces closest to the tower/bridge complex have been concreted.

The Sydney Dragway tower has been completely refurbished inside and out.

A brand new amenities building in has replaced the old de-mountable one, with other amenities receiving attention in future updates.

Racers and crews in the staging lanes have a new shade area to escape from the heat while they wait for their run.

Corporate facilities also have received an overhaul.

There have been many other updates around the venue including a new timing system, new disabled parking, new entrance and exit ways, fencing and more to come.
The wait will be certainly worth it for Sydney racers.