VIDEO: Jamboree racer walks away from VL fireball

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All the safety equipment performed its job, allowing George Josevski to walk away from this horrendous fireball at the 2022 Brisbane Jamboree.

Josevski racing his weapon of a VL Commodore in Modified 10.5, qualified with a 7.21 at 193MPH at the Jamboree before lining up for round one against Adam Popovic in another VL.

Photo by Andrew Smith

Popovic was out of there on the green with a wild wheelstand before all attention turned to Josevski when a mammoth fireball engulfed the VL, in what we suspect was the converter giving up if spectacular fashion. With flames still licking from the underneath of the VL, Josevski rolled to a stop and scrambled out unaided as fire crews arrived.

We have seen many converter failures over the years, but this is the worst we can recall, thankfully George was seemingly unharmed and he will be back punching out six second passes with the VL very soon.

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