Matheson had top qualified a month earlier, only to see the meeting postponed due to rain. The WebCam backed Nitro Voodoo Top Bike Team have taken out Australia’s prestigious ANDRA Pro-Series Championship two years in a row.
Matheson had virtually wrapped up the season in Round 5 winning at the Sydney Nitro Champs, with a huge 98 points lead ahead of his nearest competitor.
Matheson only had to qualify at Round 6 to win the Championship for the year at the rain affected Winternationals Grand Final held last weekend. Matheson had top qualified a month earlier with a 6.5 second pass, only to see the meeting postponed due to rain. Unfortunately, again, due to rain, no further qualifiers were run. All teams went straight into eliminations on Sunday.
Matheson won his first elimination against Neville Smith with a 6.895 versus Smith’s 12.191. Matheson dropped a cylinder in the pass, which resulted in an engine swap for the semi-final against hard hitter Mick Murray.
The semi-final saw Matheson on a strong run against Mick Murray, with a 6.357 sec pass to Murray’s 10.707 sec.
Heading to the final against former Australian Champion Troy McLean, Matheson was keen to crack the five second barrier at his home track, where he had laid down a blistering 6.058sec National and Track record a year earlier.
It wasn’t to be, Matheson said “we lined up in the staging lanes only to be drenched by a heavy down pour minutes before the final. Unfortunately, it was the end of the meeting, as the rain set in well into the night”.
Matheson also took out the Sidchrome ET Challenge for the year, being Top Qualifier with Lowest ET for the series. Matheson was Top Qualifier at five of the six rounds, has appeared at all but one of the finals, with a 3 from 5 win record over the season, leading the Championship points table all season, as they did in their debut year.
Matheson said “it’s great to back up our maiden season win and continue to get strong consistent results all year. The season has been a challenging one, but one that has given me welcomed experience in a very explosive sport”.
“The Championship success is a direct result of being quick and consistent. Roger Bloor, my Crew Chief, Bruce McGonnell and Graeme Turner all work as one and have common goals. The passion and enthusiasm, not to mention their ability is as good as it gets. The Team have been Championship winners throughout the entire year”.
The fans, tracks, all the track staff, fire and ambulance crews want commending on their efforts at each and every race, without them none of us could race.
The Nitro Voodoo Team are looking forward to the upcoming season and would like to thank the other competitors, in particular Troy McLean and Mick Murray who were in the Championship chase right to the end of the season.
Matheson also made special mention of WebCam Racing Cams, who backed the Nitro Voodoo Team with an eye catching new paint scheme for the Winternationals Round, which generated enormous interest in the Bike and Team. Congratulations to WebCam for an innovative sponsors package in supporting the Championship winning Nitro Voodoo Team.
Matheson went on to thank his sponsors and supporters:
WebCam, Red Line Oils, RB Performance, Rocket Industries, CRC Industries, PDS Graphics, Kitten Car Care Products, GT Radiators & Machining, Hi-Side Leathers, PR Factory Store and special thanks to Larry “Spiderman” McBride & Steve McBride. Nitro Voodoo Website: