The following update has been released by Willowbank Raceway on more plans for the venue upgrade later this year.

Statement reads;
You will recall from previous information sent that the Federal Government funding for the upgrades was approved, by way of Deed of Agreement (the Deed) and that the funding be put to three “shovel ready” projects; track and drainage upgrades, track and some venue lighting upgrade, and ablution and amenities upgrades plus the supply of new facilities.
We have recently received our second funds draw down which has enabled the project managers to progress further the works, as follows:
• The Track and Drainage work package: This part of the project will be significant both from a time and cost perspective. As far as the drainage is concerned, historically part of the problem we have faced is getting water off of the racing surface and braking area particularly after a typical Queensland storm or from an extended rain event. Due process required a full review by hydrologists and drainage specialists, their reports along with Ipswich City Council/EPA approvals conditions have formed the basis for the scope of works, tender document.
The work package for the track upgrade will consist of resurfacing from the 660 to the gravel trap along with the staging lanes and start-up area, redesigning the 3rd-loop turn-off area track which will include the concrete barriers both sides of the track, 3rd-loop to gravel trap. Sub- surface investigations have been completed along with the engineering and scope of works documents. Two companies have been invited to tender, both being qualified and resourced to undertake both the civil and paving aspects this part of the work package. The raceway will be provided at least three paving options to consider before approval is given for work to commence. More on that part of it when it comes to hand.
The track will close from Monday 14 August; we have blocked out on track events until the end of October, again we will keep you posted as information unfolds.
As an aside, I want to take a moment to stress just how strict the conditions of the Deed are. I mentioned previously the $11m was granted because we had three projects ready to go. Whilst they were not costed to the last cent, they were at a stage whereby the grant could be approved based on the information provided. The Deed is 62-page document in total, it is very specific as to how the Grant must be administered, how each work package must be completed, and how each cent spent must be accounted for and reported against. There may be comment around suggesting “why wasn’t this or that done”? The truth of the matter is that if it is not part of the approved work packages it just cannot be done.
• Ablution blocks, extra showers and toilets, plumbing upgrades and rainwater harvesting: To date works have commenced on our current ablution blocks with underground plumbing investigations, cistern replacements and vermin proofing started, this will continue with sensor lighting and other beautification initiatives. Orders and deposits have been placed for the new toilets, showers, and persons with disabilities (PWD) ablution units. These units will be placed across the venue allowing better access for both race teams and spectators. There is an up to 36-week manufacture lead time with these, so all going well, we are hopeful that by years end the major part of this work package will be in place. The plumbing/infrastructure upgrade involves major changes to our current plumbing, septic and sewage infrastructure. Because we are cutting in to and making significant changes to current systems etc, by law we are now required to have the entire system across the venue to be bought up to current code. Obviously, this will add extra expense and infrastructure that in essence will be under ground that you just won’t see. We will continue to keep you updated as the days weeks and months unfold.
Our average Urban Utilities water rates bill per quarter hovers around the $6-8k mark. Part of this work package also involves rainwater retention, that once harvested will be diverted to toilet cisterns and general venue use. Orders have been placed for rainwater tanks to be placed at various locations across the raceway. Once completed we will have a harvest capacity 300,000 litres of water, which will go a long way to reduce the water bill we get each quarter!! The rainwater tank deliveries have commenced today 02 May.
• Track lighting/electrical systems review: The lighting and infrastructure placement design is complete and not unlike the plumbing/septic was just as complex. Again, significant changes have to be made to the current lighting electrical system in order for the new design to be compliant. An electrical engineer completed a full health check of the system, the result being the need to design and install a new lighting distribution board to suit the upgrade. Once again extra but an essential cost. Lighting design and placement was undertaken but stadium lighting specialists working to set standards in place for conducting drag racing at night. All current lighting aimed at the racing surface and braking area will be replaced with the latest efficient hardware. All poles in the braking area will be removed and replaced, with added illumination into the gravel/net area and the redesigned 3-loop exit point. New lighting will continue some way up the return road. The design of the new lighting will eliminate the “strobing” effect that is experienced when leaving the racing surface going into the braking area. Tenders are being let now for supply and fit, again it is planned all going well to have this particular work package completed by years end.
If there are any questions coming from the above let me know, I will get another update out once track work is underway in August. In the meantime, our efforts are with putting the Gulf Western Oil Winternationals together which are a little over a month away. To those that have already entered, I wish you all the very best and hope to catch up with you at some time over the event, to those still thinking about it just keep an eye on the closing date.
Harry Rowsell
Willowbank Raceway.