YBI creative secures ex Clemenger BBDO Adelaide Account Director

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Victorian-based design and print company, YBI Creative has secured the services of Rob Sharp with the ex-Clemenger Adelaide Mitsubishi Account Director taking equity share in the business from July 1.

Drew Jongebloed, one of the foundation partners of YBI was quick to welcome Sharp to the fold.

“YBI Creative is a growing business and in order to keep the business developing, we needed to bring someone like Rob onboard. He hasn’t even officially started yet and he’s already making some changes,” laughed Jongebloed.

Given Sharp’s recent appointment to the Management Board of the Adelaide agency, the timing has been a little unusual.

Sharp himself explained, “It was a really tough choice. At the end of the day, you work for the best agency in the state, on the biggest piece of business in the state and that’s a fairly good place to be.

“Clemenger BBDO Adelaide is great agency with great people and I have serious respect for a lot of the people within its walls.

“However, going into the YBI business is a great chance to row my own boat together with the existing team including Drew and Rachael (Altair).

They are great people with great skills and I’m sure we can achieve something pretty special.”

YBI has re-launched its own brand as a part of Sharp joining the team. Originally know as Youngblood Ink, the name change to YBI Creative now sits more comfortably with the diverse range of services the organisation offers.

“We will certainly be taking a more overt advertising focus,” added Sharp. “But we are far from a cookie cutter advertising agency. We have a mobile hospitality service that can feed 150 people in Silver Service comfort.

We have a warehouse that can keep anything from collateral to your own stock. We have the infrastructure to do more than design work. It’s a very, very different approach.”

Jongebloed concludes, “Our business has grown significantly over the past twelve months and with Rob’s skills and contacts, it will hopefully continue to trend upwards.”

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