Grant Stephens

Steve Bettes resigns from ANDRA board

Given Steve’s belief that the tracks play a critical stakeholder role in the sport, along with the challenges that the weather delivered to Queensland and Willowbank Raceway this year, Steve has decided to focus solely on his role as the Managing Director of Willowbank Raceway.


Jamboree postponed

After consultation with local weather experts, Willowbank Raceway and Jamboree promoter – Ray Box – have elected to postpone this weekend’s 21st annual Jamboree until the weekend of October 1-2.


ANDRA Chairman moves on

After a relatively short period at the helm, the ANDRA Chairman Mr Simon Pinnock, has decided that due to his own personal commitments with his management consultancy and young family, he can no longer contribute at the level that is required due to the enormous amount of organisational change that is occurring within our sport.


ANDRA CEO appointment

The Australian National Drag Racing Association Ltd (ANDRA) Board announces the appointment of Mr Greg Humphreys as Chief Executive Officer of ANDRA effective immediately.

Drag News Magazine